Friday, June 25, 2010

Katie's Christening

Katie received her first sacrament, Baptism, on Sunday. As you can see above, Katie looked beautiful in her dress.

Uncle Andrew and Aunt Renee are her godparents, and I'm sure they will do a great job. Father Leo and Deacon Joe presided over the ceremony at St. Anthony's church, and Katie did very well during the ceremony. She didn't even cry when they poured the water over her head.

After the ceremony, we had a party for her at our house. Thanks to everyone who shared this special day with Katie.
I can't think of a better way to spend my first father's day with Katie.


Friday, June 18, 2010

Happy Father's Day!

This Sunday, Greg will celebrate his first father's day with Katie and me. I realize it's early, but we have Katie's baptism that day, so I am posting now. Since Katie was born in April, Greg has eased seamlessly into his role as father. He has been wonderful with Kate since the day she was born, and he has helped me realize that we might get the hang of this parenting thing after all. Katie just loves her dad - she follows his voice any time he is around her and she loves hearing him softly sing Beatles' songs to her in order to calm her down. Happy Father's Day, Greg!
- Steph

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Two Months Old

Katie at one day old

Katie at one week old

Katie at one month old

Katie at two months old

Time flies, that's for sure! She is learning something new every day. These days, she is full of smiles and gurgles. I can't believe that she is starting to become her own little person. Every time I look at Katie's pictures, she looks more and more like Greg.
- Steph

Monday, June 14, 2010

Missing Katie

Today has been my first day of summer graduate classes at Eastern Illinois University. Obviously, if I am here, I am not with Katie. My mom and Terri, Greg's mom, have graciously offered to watch her for the rest of the summer on the days I have to be on campus. I only have two classes, but it is really hard to be away from her! I know that my time away from Kate is well spent, and I will really appreciate my master's degree when it's completed. However, it already seems like a long summer away from Katie. I have found myself on the blog four or five times today, and I have only been in Charleston for a few hours! Anyway, it will make me feel better to look at new pictures of her, so this post is as much for me as it is for everyone else who sees it. Happy Summer to everyone!
- Steph

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Why Greg Hates Katie's Headbands

Greg hates when I make Kate wear headbands with bows and flowers on them. He is always saying something about how the tightness of the band cuts off the circulation to her brain. I can't understand this, because I believe it is better to look good than be smart. Just kidding, obviously! But I do love coordinating her headbands to her outfits - it is definitely a perk of having a girl. Most of the time, Katie doesn't mind having bows on her head. Well, except for during this video. Notice how we cut off the recording just as she is ready to launch a terrorist attack on us! But even Greg has to admit, she looks pretty darn cute in her outfit!
- Steph

Monday, June 7, 2010

Sunday Finest

Greg, Katie, and I got dressed up to go to church yesterday. Guess who took the longest to get ready? If you guessed Katie, you would be correct. Imagine that!

And this is a picture of Katie, who was tired, later on in the afternoon. Nothing says comfort like taking an after-church nap on dad's chest. She must have been tired out from all that praying.


Friday, June 4, 2010

Busy Week

Katie has had quite the busy week! She has been on numerous excursions around town with me. You could say, at this point, she is probably more popular than I am! We have been to Jonny Gannaway's baptism, Wal-Mart, Mommy and Me, and FS for fluffyburgers. We also went to the Hilton and Joe's for lunch this week. Of course, grandma Becky and grandpa Leon love showing her off when we all eat lunch together. My parents refuse to put her down, even to eat!

Katie also had some special visitors yesterday. Greg's aunt Jane came to visit, along with grandma Terri. They had a great time holding Katie and talking to her - she loved every minute of the attention they heaped on her! They were such good guests that I rewarded them with some strawberry shortcake that I made myself. Well, okay, my mom helped me. Obviously, I don't cook well, so if I am serving food to others, it's best I have some help.

Later on yesterday evening, we had our neighbors, the Hartman's, over. They have been wonderful to us ever since we moved to the neighborhood last summer. We grilled fluffyburgers and watched the NBA finals while they were here. They are so great that they didn't even mind when Katie got a little fussy around 8 and cried until they left. They have successfully raised two girls, so I suppose they are used to crying girls! Their daughter, Kara, came over after dinner and started making fun of my BabyBjorn I carry Katie around in. She put it on and paraded around the house with Piglet in it. We were able to snap a quick picture to torture her with, so here it is.

Katie also has made the adjustment to taking naps in her crib, which breaks my heart. She loves the colors of her room - Greg and I did a great job picking them out! - and falls asleep pretty easily when she is in there. It makes me happy she is starting the transition and she looks so cute when she is all sprawled out in there!

- Steph

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Deep Thoughts

This is what Katie looks like deep in thought. Notice how she has her two fingers on her forehead so that we know she is contemplating all the world's problems. I bet Greg hopes she is dreaming of the periodic table and science kits...
- Steph

By the way, for those of you who know I am an avid Duke fan, please ignore the Illinois pacifier in her mouth. She was screaming, and it was the only one I could find that was handy.