Sunday, May 29, 2011

Can You Spot the Wayward Spaghetti-O?

Katie is truly her father's child; she has eaten practically nothing besides spaghetti or Spaghetti-Os for a solid week now. She eats entire platefuls of it and then asks for more. Actually, I shouldn't say asks; I should say demands. Loudly. The girl gets so excited to eat that I almost feel bad giving her anything else to eat. Almost. As Greg gleefully points out, he's the good cop and I'm the bad cop. I try and remind him that I let him be the good cop, but I don't really think he hears it when I say that. Hopefully, at some point in the future, our child will not have to eat something spaghetti-related five out of seven nights of the week. Until then, I guess I will just have to be the only non spaghetti-crazy person in this house. It's a tough life. 

- Steph

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Hanging out with Mom

Lately, it has been rainy and yucky outside. We finally had a sunny day, so Kate and I decided to go outside and play. She really loves it outside, but she absolutely hates grass. She likes most everything else though. She explores our trees, bushes, and flowers, although it takes her awhile to really warm up to touching anything herself. Often, it takes several minutes of me or Greg letting her see that everything is all right. Usually, though, if we do all that, everything seems interesting to her. It is going to be such a fun summer with her!

- Steph

Friday, May 13, 2011

Monday, May 9, 2011

Molars & Mother's Day

Katie has been cutting some serious teeth the last couple weeks. It has been pretty tough on her, but it hasn't slowed her down. 

She's been driving her car,

eating ice cream,

and getting into trouble at church; seriously, we had to leave after the second reading last week.

Katie had a delightful Mother's Day weekend. We had dinner with Grandma Uebinger on Saturday and brunch with Grandma Gobczynski on Sunday.  Katie is very lucky to have grandmas like these.  She is also fortunate to have a great mom like Steph.  Although she is busy with work and school, she always has time to take care of Kate (and me). I don't know where she gets the energy.
