Katie is truly her father's child; she has eaten practically nothing besides spaghetti or Spaghetti-Os for a solid week now. She eats entire platefuls of it and then asks for more. Actually, I shouldn't say asks; I should say demands. Loudly. The girl gets so excited to eat that I almost feel bad giving her anything else to eat. Almost. As Greg gleefully points out, he's the good cop and I'm the bad cop. I try and remind him that I let him be the good cop, but I don't really think he hears it when I say that. Hopefully, at some point in the future, our child will not have to eat something spaghetti-related five out of seven nights of the week. Until then, I guess I will just have to be the only non spaghetti-crazy person in this house. It's a tough life.
- Steph