Friday, February 25, 2011


These days, we can't turn our backs on Katie for a second. She scoots around the house so quickly, it's ridiculous. We finally got our wooden gate installed - after 6 months of waiting - and it couldn't have come at a better time. This girl absolutely refuses to crawl. And I mean, she really refuses to crawl. We can't get her to go anywhere except backward, and we have tried every incentive in the book. So we have resigned ourselves to watching this around our house instead:


Sunday, February 20, 2011

Ball Poppin' Fun

When Greg brought the ball popper home, I thought he was a little crazy. After all, the packaging said it was recommended for children over two. Obviously, Kate is a genius, because it is one of her favorite toys. She knows everything about that thing - how to turn it on, where to put the balls, and how to bring it closer so that she can get a little shot of air on her face. She seems pretty proud of herself in these shots.  She should; she is such a smartie!

- Steph

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Monday, February 7, 2011

Little Miss Fashionista

One of the best things about coaching was that I got to see my students in different situations outside the classroom. I also spent a lot of time with both them and their families. Even before Kate was born, I was getting gifts for her. One of my player's moms is totally crafty, and she made Katie this super cute scarf. She said her next project is to make a matching one for me! I can't wait, because Kate looks so good in hers. Special thanks have to go out to Wendy, for taking the time to make Kate's special scarf, and to Aunt Renee too, for buying Katie the most adorable pea coat in the world! Kate sure is lucky she has all these fashionable women around to help her!

- Steph

Friday, February 4, 2011

Snow Vacation

With warnings of the impending winter storm this week, Greg and I made sure Kate had everything she would need in case it got too bad to be out and about. It did. Effingham Unit 40 was cancelled. Eastern Illinois classes were cancelled. The interstates closed in some areas. Needless to say, the weather was as bad as I have ever seen it. Kate and I were stuck inside the house from Monday evening to Friday morning. The only time Greg left was to go to and from work. Ice, sleet, and snow mixed together for a total of four snow days for me this week. If anyone is keeping track, that is a total of  eleven so far this school year. These snow days have given me the opportunity to catch up on my grad school homework, clean the house, and finish up some organizational projects I have been putting off. The other project for this week has been working with Kate on her balance and putting one foot in front of the other. She has gotten the hang of it, but she still needs some of dad's help, as you can see from the pictures. The last three pictures of her sleeping are my favorites; she has been exceptionally tired lately. Any time she gets overtired, she curls into a ball, instead of sprawling out like she normally does. She must be tired from all the working out she has been doing. I know I am exhausted!

- Steph

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Wordless Wednesday; Bath Time Part Trois

You have to love Katie bath time! She will not be amused by that hairstyle in a few years. Sorry in advance, kid!